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£0.94 /month

£11.24 /Year

£13.82 /2 Years

£16.90 /3 Years

  • 25 Pages
  • Daily Malware Scan
  • Network Scan
  • Trust Seal
  • Security Alerts
  • Block Bad Bot Attacks
  • SSL Verification
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£2.65 /month

£31.80 /Year

£35.33 /2 Years

£41.47 /3 Years

  • 100 Pages
  • Daily Malware Scan
  • Network Scan
  • Trust Seal
  • Security Alerts
  • Block Bad Bot Attacks
  • SSL Verification
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£3.43 /month

£41.11 /Year

£44.55 /2 Years

£47.62 /3 Years

  • 500 Pages
  • Daily Malware Scan
  • Network Scan
  • Trust Seal
  • Security Alerts
  • Block Bad Bot Attacks
  • SSL Verification
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Protect your website from

Safeguard your website from threats, malware, hackers, and data breaches with robust security measures and regular updates and monitoring.

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    Protect against harmful computer viruses.

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    Bot Attacks

    Defend against malicious bot attacks.

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    Safeguard your systems against hackers.

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    Identity Theft

    Prevent identity theft with vigilance.

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    Search Engine Blacklists

    Avoid search engine blacklisting.

Sitelock is easy, economical and effective

An SSL certificate secures your website, encrypting data, enhancing trust, improving SEO, and ensuring a safer browsing experience for visitors.

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Automatically Prevents Attacks

SiteLock monitors your website 24x7 for vulnerabilities and attacks, which means you can worry less about your website and more about your business.

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Boosts Customer Trust

Over 70% Customers look for a sign of security before providing personal details online. The SiteLock Trust Seal not only re-assures customers but also boosts sales.

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Starts Working Instantly

You don't need technical expertise to install and set up SiteLock for your website. SiteLock is cloud-based and starts scanning your website and email instantly.

What happy clients says about us?

Delighted customers rave about our exceptional service and support.

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Podcasting operational change management inside of workflows to establish a framework. Taking seamless key performance indicators offline to maximise the long tail. Keeping your eye on the ball while performing a deep dive on the start-up mentality.

Ribeiro Nicolas
HR, Envato
testimonilas icon

Operational podcasting change management inside of workflows to establish a framework . Keeping your eye on the ball while performing a deep dive on the start-up mentality. Taking seamless key performance indicators offline to maximize the long tail.

Taylor Matthew
SEO & Founder, Facebook
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Operational establish to Podcasting change management inside of workflows a framework. Taking seamless key performance indicators offline to maximise the long tail. Keeping your eye on the ball while performing a deep dive on the start-up mentality.

Howard Esther
CEO, Bribbble LLC

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