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Register a Domain name

  • .COM £8.35
  • .NET £7.59
  • .ORG £10.63
  • .BIZ £9.87
  • .INFO £12.92
  • .CO.IN £9.15

Our Plan & Pricing

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Single Hosting
£ 3.81/month
  • Unlimited Website
  • Unlimited Email
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • Free Domain Name
  • Free SSL Certificate
Premium Hosting
£ 11.44/month
  • Unlimited Website
  • Unlimited Email
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • Free Domain Name
  • Free SSL Certificate
Business Hosting
£ 6.86/month
  • Unlimited Website
  • Unlimited Email
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • Free Domain Name
  • Free SSL Certificate

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